dFusion Tech

dFusion Tech

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Over the years, dFusionTech Inc. has created numerous innovative web solutions that inspire, inform and effectively communicate the message to your audience. Complex corporate web solutions we deliver are architecturally designed to handle 10+ million requests per day and make deal with 1+ million users.
Headquartered in Kharkiv, Ukraine, with the business partners and clients in the USA, UK and other parts of Europe.

Отзывы о работе в dFusion Tech, зарплаты

  1. 12 августа 2024

    Решил уволится из dFusion Tech. Договорились о сроках выхода, передал работу, документы, доступы, происходил нормальный процесс.
    В последний мой день в компании, когда я спросил об оплате, директор высказал мне свое пренебрежение с переходом на личности.
    I decided to leave dFusion Tech. We agreed on the exit dates, I handed over my work, documents and access. When I asked about my payment on my last day in the company, the director expressed his disdain towards me and got personal. HE DIDN’T PAY MY MONEY for the month!

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